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  • Harmony Sinfonia

The Harmony Interviews: Episode 2

Continuing in this term's blog series of interviews with members, meet Paul Harvey, who heads up the cello section!

What instrument do you play with Harmony Sinfonia?


And what is your day job?

I'm an architect, running a small practice in Kingston.

Do you have another role within the orchestra?

I am a trustee, on the main and marketing committees and help with publicity materials and keeping the website up to date.

How long have you been playing with Harmony Sinfonia?

Since early 2011

Do you play any other instruments with other groups?

Concertina and Marimba. I play cello for a number of other groups and orchestras such as Ripley Symphony Orchestra and Sonore in Surbiton, and some chamber music. Harmony is my main orchestra with regular rehearsals though.

Why is music important to you?

It's the reason for everything.

What are your favourite pieces ever played with Harmony Sinfonia?

Sibelius, Lemminkainen was great. And at the other end of the temperature spectrum Estancia by Ginastera. 

What's been your favourite rehearsal "moment" with Harmony Sinfonia?

Probably the first time we had the pianist Dinara Klinton with us to do the Grieg concerto, I'm always bowled over by her playing even in the rehearsals.

And your favourite concert moment?

The solos in the Henry Wood Fantasia during our last night of the proms concert, all the players sounded great and I was glad how mine went after some shaky rehearsals of it!

How would you say that Harmony Sinfonia has developed since you've been there?

We keep getting better, there's a core of people, particularly in the winds and brass that have been playing for a very long time together, and it really shows.

What do you like the most about playing with Harmony Sinfonia?

The people, and how we keep things very relaxed and friendly.

What's been your favourite venue and why?

Our current venue is the most functional to date but I would like to think we have yet to play at my favourite!

What is your overall favourite Harmony Sinfonia memory?

Performing for my family and friends generally, especially for my Gran at one of the earlier concerts when she was still with us, my nephew dancing along to one of the children's concerts aged 2, and another which was a friend's first experience of a live classical music concert.

And most importantly of all... how do you rate the biscuits?!

I thought they couldn't get better then this term happened.


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